Contact Flutterbies for your next event
Email: flutterbiesparty@gmail.com
Angela: 07797 716 669
Sam: 07700 331 070
What happens if it rains?
Our bell tent is 100% waterproof with a fully intergrated ground sheet however there is no heating inside the tent, so we suggest sleepovers are best in the warmer months.
Can I use candles inside the tent?
We only use battery operated and solar lighting in or around the tent - birthday candles are a no no too! We just don't take any chances with dress up and candles.
How much room do I need for the tent?
Our bell tent is 5 metres round so needs 7 metres of flat grassed ground so the ground ropes can be pegged out safely. Please note that when booking a bell tent it is your responsibility to make sure that there is enough room.
Are the products you use in the Spaaarty Package safe?
We use only natural products and will make sure parents are fully aware of what we are using and that their children do not have any allergies to these products. Our face packs contain natural yogurt, oats, honey and a little bit of lemon. Our sugar scrub contains lime, sugar and coconut oil - nothing else. We also use Lallabee Nail Polish which is designed especially for children and free from ingredients toxic for children such as: Flammable Solvants, Phtalates(DBP), Parabens, Bisphenol A (BPA), Toluene, Formaldehyde and Nanomolecules - so as you can see your children are very important to us.